Thursday, October 20, 2011


Write the ways you communicate with your friends. 
For the mums and dads : write the ways you use to communicate with your friends when you were little.

Happy Blogging!
Ms OR  :-)


  1. When I was young, we could ring friends on the phone. I used to send letters to my grandmother in Sweden. We would wait for at least a week for a letter back from her. We didn't have fast methods like email.
    Mrs O
    Happy Blogging :)

  2. I communicate with my friends by talking to them, calling them on the telephone or mobile, sending letters and e-mails. I like to see pictures on Facebook and on my friend's blog. When my mum and Dad were little, there wasn't any internet to send emails. They just talked to their friends on the telephone or went to visit them. by Christopher

  3. When I talk to my friends I use the phone.

  4. I talk. To my friends by moshi and a phone

  5. EmilyC and MackenzieOctober 26, 2011 at 1:02 PM

    I talk to my friends on line.

  6. Hi everybody it is Joshua L and James M.Me and James communicate by visiting and calling each other. See you next time on the blog!

  7. I talk on the phone when I talk to friend.

  8. I talk to my

    I talk to my friends. At school and a phone

  9. We play with each other.we will talk to each other

  10. I used to communicate with my friends by writing to each other on the computer and I still do.

  11. Lachlan S and Hayden AOctober 26, 2011 at 1:10 PM

    I use. To talk to my friends when I was 5 and 4 on the computer. Q

  12. Emily.v and caterina.fOctober 26, 2011 at 1:10 PM

    When we communicate we talk,body language,we use the phones,signs,sign language and writing letters.

  13. When I was little I used point at stuff if i don't get what I wanted I started crying.

  14. I talk to my friends. I stave at my friends.

  15. We communicate by calling friend's using the computer and saying hello.

  16. I. Communicate. By. Skype. And. On. The Phone

  17. When people are deaf and we need to talk to the person we use sign language.

  18. I communicate with my friends by giving them letters .I communicate with my friends by talking on the phone.

  19. When we were little we were friendS , at school we talked to each other by words ,face to face that's how we communicated when we were little.

  20. I communicate with my friends by talking on the phone.

  21. Emily .o. And aniqueOctober 26, 2011 at 1:15 PM

    I can communicate by using the internet or by writing a letter to my friends.

  22. We talk and use body language to communicate to our friends.

  23. I. I. Communicate. By. Talking. On. The. Phone ,
    Face. To. Face, Talking. On. The. Computer. and. By. Texting.

  24. I communicate when someone likes me and sits with me and plays with me.

  25. I like to talk on the phone and email my friends during the week.

  26. We communicate. By. To each other on the phone

  27. When my friend comes over we play together.

  28. You can communicate by Facebook and Skype and on a telephone

  29. You can communicate by talking on the phone,texting too others,drawing pictures,writing letters,talking,sign language,arm movements,leg movements,face book,you tube,Skype and internet

  30. I like speaking to my friends

  31. I used to talk to my friends when I was 5 and 4 on the computer.

  32. I talk to people on the phone

  33. To. Communicate. We. Skype. And. The. Comp uter

  34. I talk to my friends on the phone at home.

  35. I communicate by talking on the phone or just talking and sending them messages.

  36. 'we can communicate by talking and looking to people.

  37. I communicate with my friends on the phone and go to them and talk.I text to others.I commieate on my iPod and communicate on the compter

  38. I communicate with my friends by talking to them face to face and speaking on the phone, sometimes I write letters too. My mum used to talk to her friends at school and she used to write letters to her friends and sometimes she was allowed to talk on the phone to them. She didn't have a computer or mobile phone to communicate with like we do now.

  39. I can communicate by using hand signals,talking to them or i can use the commputer.Sometimes i write letters to people. Talking is my usual form of communication.My favourite form of communication is using the commputer.

  40. When i was little i went on the computer and phone by ammaleah

  41. Hayden C and his dadOctober 26, 2011 at 5:56 PM

    We communicate with each other by talking while we are at home, by using the phone while dads at work, using email to talk to friends, and using skype to talk to our cousins in Adelaide.

  42. People communiicate by useing compter,the phone,signs,skype,looking at them,drawing pictures,talking,on ipods,letters,sign language,leg movements,arm movements,facebook,you tube,body languages,your eyes and people could use babble zone.

  43. I remember when I was little, that my next door neighbour didn't have a phone. He would come over and use our phone and leave 20c in a jar! I also remember writing letters to my friends and having 'pen friends.' I would wait weeks just to hear from them. Very different from the seconds it takes us to communicate over the internet or sms by phone today.

  44. italk to my friends by a phone and at school and at church

  45. you can communicate by talking righting letters you could communicate by going on face time and you could talk on the phone to your friends.

  46. My mum communicated by by phone,person to person and sending mail to other people.
