Thursday, October 20, 2011


Write the ways you communicate with your friends. 
For the mums and dads : write the ways you use to communicate with your friends when you were little.

Happy Blogging!
Ms OR  :-)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Just a spot for chatting!

Just a spot for chatting over the holidays! 
Stay safe and have fun with your family.
Happy Blogging
Mrs O :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wombat Stew

In Term 2, Stage One have been working on writing Procedures. After reading the story "Wombat Stew" by Marcia Vaughn, Mrs O's writing group decided to write recipes like the clever dingoes Wombat Stew.

First we thought about the types of recipes that we could create using Australian animals.  Next we got into pairs and started to write weird and disgusting recipes for sneaky dingoes. After that we edited our work. Then we started to type our work onto a word document. Once it was on the word document we learnt how to copy and paste it into our blog. Finally we got to read other peoples recipes.

Feel free to create some more interesting recipes and share them on our blog!
Happy blogging :D
Mrs O